hair removal

IPL Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is effective on all skin tones. However, it works best on light skin and dark hair. It can also get rid of brown spots and broken capillaries. It is important to avoid sunbathing or plucking before your treatment.

IPL is a pain-free procedure. Many people compare the sensation to that of a rubber band snapping against the skin. Get your hair removal procedure with laser hair removal professional.

hair removalCost

IPL Laser Hair Removal is a less expensive alternative to traditional treatments such as waxing and shaving. This non-invasive treatment uses light energy to remove pigmented spots, freckles, and unwanted hair and prevent it from growing back. It is not only effective for hair removal but also for treating sun damage, redness of the skin, and some types of birthmarks.

It works by using a handheld device to target multiple wavelengths of light onto the skin. Pigment cells in freckles and other spots absorb the light energy, which is then converted to heat. The body then naturally removes the damaged tissue. In addition, it can destroy hair follicles to stop them from producing more hair. The result is smoother, clearer, and healthier skin.

However, IPL is not suitable for everyone. It can cause skin irritation and is not recommended for pregnant women or anyone taking blood thinners. It also may not be as effective for darker skin tones or tanned skin. While IPL is more affordable than laser, it still requires several sessions for the desired results.

Another benefit of IPL is that it can be used on all skin shades and hair colors. It is not confined to specific light wavelengths like a laser, so it can treat dark skin tones and blonde or brown hair. It is also more convenient and affordable for people on the go, as you can use a portable IPL device at home.

It can be difficult to estimate the cost of IPL laser hair removal because the price varies depending on the power of the machine, downtime, number of sessions required, and technician experience. Some clinics charge per pulse, while others have a fixed fee for each area. In either case, it is worth comparing prices to find the best deal.

When choosing a clinic for IPL, it is important to look for a trained and certified technician. Inexperienced technicians can produce unsatisfactory results. Make sure to ask for proof of training and certification before scheduling your appointment. You can even ask for proof of ongoing education and training to ensure that your practitioner is up-to-date on the latest technology.


IPL laser hair removal works by using pulses of light to force the hair follicle into its resting phase, which prevents it from producing more hair. The effect can last for two years or longer if you maintain regular treatments. IPL hair removal is ideal for anyone looking to reduce their reliance on shaving or waxing. It’s also more effective than many other treatments, such as electrolysis, which can cause irritation to the skin and lead to redness and pain.

IPL’s light energy is absorbed by dark pigment in the skin (melanin) which helps to heat and destroy the hair follicle. It’s a similar concept to the way that dark clothes absorb and reflect more heat in sunlight than lighter ones. The broader spectrum of light used in IPL enables the treatment to be effective on different types of skin and hair colors.

When performed by a qualified technician, IPL is safe and highly effective for hair removal from all areas of the body. It’s important to choose a trusted clinic and operator with IPL technology because poorly trained staff can use the equipment incorrectly, which could cause damage to your skin.

The effectiveness of IPL laser hair removal depends on the experience of your technician, the type of machine they are working with, and how regularly you attend sessions. A study of at-home IPL devices found that 78 percent of participants experienced permanent hair reduction after four or more biweekly treatments. While this is impressive, results are often affected by hormonal changes and hair growth fluctuations that affect other areas of the body, such as the face.

Both laser and IPL are proven treatments for permanent hair reduction. They can help to restore the appearance of your skin and give you the confidence that comes with being hair-free. However, the laser can provide better results because it is faster and more precise than IPL and it caters to a wider range of skin tones with contrasting hair colours.

IPL is a safer alternative to laser for some people because it is less intense and doesn’t use high temperatures. In addition to protecting your eyes with goggles, many IPL systems feature cooling air technology and skin safety sensors that minimize discomfort.


As with any medical procedure, IPL hair removal carries some risks and complications, but these are very rare. If you experience any pain or discomfort after treatment, or any side effects that persist or worsen, contact your practitioner immediately. They may need to re-assess your suitability for the procedure or refer you to your GP. It is also important to avoid sun exposure after any laser or IPL treatment, as your skin will be extra sensitive. If you do go in the sun, remember to wear high-SPF sunscreen.

Laser or IPL hair removal is a safe treatment for most people, but it is important to choose the right technician for you. It is best to ask to see their certificates, especially those relating to the type of machine they will be using on you. This is to make sure they have the experience and knowledge to achieve the results you want.

The IPL device reads your skin tone and adjusts its intensity for a safe, effective treatment. The light pulses are absorbed by melanin pigment and converted to heat. This heat damages the hair follicle and disrupts its growth cycle. The light does not damage the surrounding tissues and only affects the hair follicle and any other pigmented areas within its reach. This helps to reduce the risk of causing non-specific thermal injury to other tissues.

Unlike shaving, waxing, and depilatory creams, IPL is relatively pain-free. You may feel a slight tugging sensation, but this is minimal and will not last long. Some people report a mild redness after IPL treatment, but this should fade in a day or two. IPL treatments are not recommended for the eyebrow area as they can cause burns and scarring.

IPL is safe to use on other parts of the body, such as the toes, feet, and anus. However, it is not suitable for the face because it can damage the delicate capillaries around your eyes. It is also not a good option for dark skin tones because it can’t target the hairs at a deep enough level.

Side Effects

Unwanted hair growth can be a real pain for women and men. But there are some alternatives to shaving, waxing, and plucking that can help you achieve your desired look. Among these are IPL and laser treatments. Both technologies work by emitting light that destroys the melanin in the hair and interrupts the growth cycle. They differ in their wavelengths, though. Lasers have a very narrow band of light that is highly effective when it comes to targeting the specific hair follicle. IPL devices, on the other hand, use a wider range of light to create a single flash that can be likened to a flash on a camera. As a result, they don’t target the follicles as effectively and may have less effective results.

Both IPL and laser treatments are very safe for people who undergo them under the supervision of a qualified practitioner. However, there are some potential side effects and complications to be aware of. These include redness, blistering, and pigment change. Depending on your skin type and color, these side effects may or may not be severe and will typically subside after a day or two.

Using a cold gel or lotion can help reduce the discomfort during an IPL treatment. However, it’s important to avoid sunless creams and other products that can darken your skin color before the procedure. In addition, it’s important to stop shaving and waxing the treatment area for four weeks before your session. This is because the hairs will be exposed to the light and can cause burns or other unwanted effects.

Many people will require multiple sessions to achieve a satisfactory level of hair removal. Hair that grows back after IPL will usually be finer, lighter, and less noticeable than before. In some cases, the hairs won’t grow back at all.

While laser and IPL hair removal can be more costly than other traditional methods, they tend to hurt less, have fewer side effects, and involve little, if any recovery time. If you’re ready to ditch the tweezers and waxes, book a free intake today to find out if IPL is right for you.