When your AC isn’t working properly, it’s time to call for AC repair professionals. The most common time to call a professional is when you can’t get the temperature in your home to a comfortable level or when your system doesn’t run at all. Waiting too long to call for AC Repair may only result in worse problems and more expensive repairs.
The air ducts in your home are responsible for a significant amount of energy loss. This is because the ducts allow air to move back and forth, causing friction. This friction decreases the airflow, causing it to move slower and lose pressure. This problem can be fixed by sealing air duct leaks.
Many people don’t realize it, but ducts can contribute up to 20 percent of the energy you spend on heating and cooling. This is because poorly sealed and insulated ducts can reduce the overall efficiency of the system. As a result, a furnace with 78% AFUE can be only 50 percent efficient with a typical duct system. The same is true for air conditioners and heat pumps. This combination of energy losses can result in a high energy bill and lower comfort levels.
Leaky air ducts also result in inconsistent indoor temperatures. This can cost you hundreds of dollars in extra heating and cooling bills and can make your home uncomfortable. Additionally, if you have multiple leaks in your ducts, you can’t get enough air into certain rooms.
The best location for your ducts depends on thermal regain. The higher the thermal regain factor, the better. Therefore, the best places to install ducts include intentionally heated spaces and areas that retain heat exceptionally well. You can also install ducts inside conditioned spaces to prevent the loss of heat and cooling. However, this may require a system rebalancing.
A faulty duct system can cause excessive dampness and humidity, which can lead to mold and mildew in the home. In addition, it can also lead to debris buildup within the system. To determine whether your ducts are causing excessive moisture and humidity, check their air filters. If they are dirty, they could block airflow.
If your AC is overheating, it may be time to call an AC repair service. While overheating does not usually damage your air conditioner, the compressors can malfunction if the problem continues for a long period of time. Replacing the compressor will not be cheap – it can cost more than $1,000.
The condenser coils of your AC can be clogged with dust and debris. To clean them, mix equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle and spray the coils. You can also use a hose to rinse the area with the mixture. Doing this regularly will help reduce the chance of your AC unit overheating in the future.
Another common cause of overheating in AC units is a faulty water pump. If your water pump malfunctions, your AC will not be able to deplete heat effectively. In other cases, the pump may not be signaling properly to the control module. A trouble code will help you determine what’s causing the problem. If you notice an overheating AC unit, make sure to call an expert right away.
If the AC unit is overheating, you should immediately shut it off. Wait until it has cooled down completely before you turn it back on. Leaving it running without a break will damage your system. You should also keep it away from direct sunlight between noon and 4 pm. Overheating air conditioners can also trip circuit breakers if they run continuously.
Dirty air filters can also cause overheating, so replace them regularly. You should also check the refrigerant levels of your system.